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        How to solve the paper fluorescent whitening agent compensation
         Hits:       Add Date:13-02-22
        No matter whether you are to print works hang in the gallery photographer, or production billboard, packaging, related materials or other business objects professional printing staff in paper use fluorescent whitening agent may be causing a color shift. There is love color beautiful color management solutions, you can easily correction this phenomenon, according to the way you wish to present generation and display color. Paper traders often use fluorescent whitening agent made the original yellow paper, let the human eye look more white more bright.
        Separate measurement challenge:
        No physical filter measurement (no filter)
        From a technical point of view, the paper containing fluorescent whitening agent in spectrum measurement, slightly blue, but this and you see does not conform to the actual.
        UVcut filter measurement
        Use UVcut filter measurement, won't trigger paper on the fluorescent whitening agent, leading to the measured value display paper yellow, but it still and you need to see the lack of conformity.
        Measurement value and visual effect of optimum matching effect in these two measurement between.

        Prev:The ruling fluorescent whitening agent industry is substantial damage
        Next:Contain fluorescent whitening agent paper successful color management
        Optical brightening agents(BBU) | Optical brightening agents(CXT) | Optical brightening agents(BA-L) | Optical brightening agents(BA) | Optical brightening agents(APC) | Stiemap
        Copy right:The Hebei Sanchuan Chemical Co. Ltd Technical support:www.ronglida.net.cn
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